Frequently asked questions


What can I expect from the Photo MeetUps?

The photo meetups are supposed to be fun and inspiring, but should also challenge you! We set up creative lighting stations and organize the photographers and models into small rotating groups to keep things simple but with variety. We’ll also assist you with anything you may need, but this a great chance to independently create and network!

As a model, what should I wear to the meetups?

We ask you to come camera-ready (hair and makeup done) with 2-3 wardrobe options.  Your look is totally up to you! These photos are for your portfolio and exposure, so we welcome and encourage showing your individuality and personal style! All we ask is that there is no nudity or offensive messaging. You can save the edgier attire for scheduled private shoots with photographers.


What do I need to bring as a photographer?

You should bring whatever gear you would like to photograph with. We have stands and studio lights for you in the studio, so no need to bring those. Most photographers bring a camera, a couple lenses and business cards to leave for networking purposes. And always remember to exchange contact info with the models so you can deliver the photos afterwards!

What skill level are the MeetUps geared towards?

We make sure our meetups are fun and accessible to any skill level from beginners to pros. We will answer any questions you may have and we’ll also have camera setting suggestions posted to each lighting station for the photographers. For models, this is great way to get your feet wet in a studio setting. The goal is to create beautiful work and have fun doing it!


Where is Retina Creative Lab located?

The address is: 50 Houghton St Providence RI 02904. We are 5 mins from the city center of Providence off of Route 146. We are located on the far left side of the plaza.