Get The Shot - The Power Layer from Bed Jet

This is our first entry in our “To Get the Shot” series. Here we will highlight the hard work and creative thinking that occurred behind the scenes to produce polished and beautiful content. Our first entry is about content helped produced in collaboration with BedJet. BedJet was founded by the inventor Mark Aramli. As a NASA engineer, he first cut his teeth as part of the spacesuit program, where he focused on cooling and climate comfort. Using this experience, he wanted to solve climate comfort in our bedrooms, so BedJet was born.

When BedJet approached us, they wanted to show their new product, the Power Layer, with a 360° perspective and actors sitting upon a bed that the product manipulated. In previous projects, we have done a single shot 360° view by placing our DP with his camera in a dolly and wheeling him around the subject. For this project, that wouldn’t work due to the size of the product, a queen size bed. Additionally, they wanted a dynamic view of the product, again the size of a mattress, seemingly floating and spinning in white space. With the collaboration with the BedJet engineers, we help execute two systems to produce this content.

For the 360° video of the Power Layer, the BedJet engineers developed what was essentially a giant Lazy Susan. The Power Layer, bed, and actors were upon the rotating stage, which a winch slowly turned. This gave a smooth 360° video of the product on our white cyclorama.

For the second shot, we developed a goal post system to suspend the Power Layer where dynamic visuals could be generated by pushing the product so it would gently spin. The goal of this final shot was to show the dimensions and thinness of the product.

To see the final shot, click the link below. And if you are interested in the Power Layer, you can pre-order on the same page. BedJet - The Power Layer

Dan Phillips