Feb Photo MeetUp!

One week until the MeetUp! Need tickets? You can find them Here. It's on Sat Feb 26th from 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM. Hope to see you there.

This event is a networking and shooting opportunity for photographers, videographers, models and any other creative types. You will have the chance to try out some awesome studio lighting, all you have to bring is your cameras! Styled models, studio assistance, and multiple lighting setups will be at your disposal. These MeetUps are the best place to jump start your portfolio as a model or for you photography in a friendly judge free environment. This event is for beginners as well as professional.

Spots are limited, so please save your spot by RSVPing here, and let us know if you will not be making it so we can open your spot to our waitlist. Tickets are only $55, and act as donation to the studio so we can continue to produce awesome events like this! 

Photographer must make images from the even available to all models. 

Models will be contacted via email before the meetup with any items they should bring and additional details. Models are asked to arrive 30 minutes early for light hair & makeup and setup. 

Feel free to e-mail info@retinacreativelab.com with any questions

Dan Phillips